
The year is 2082. A long-lost hospital spaceship, the UEFS Mercy, has been rediscovered. It's last known mission was to provide medical aide to a distant research outpost in the Cerrus Zeta System.

You are Dr Martins, an medical investigator. You have been hired to investigate the UEFS Mercy. After finding the ship under quarantine, Dr Martins decides the best course of action is to investigate and treat the patients in cryogenic containment in order to lift the quarantine and fulfil his contract.

But he is also there for another reason. He needs to find out what happened to  someone close to him all those years ago...

How To Play

[Left Mouse] Select and Navigate Computer Interface

[Esc] Pause Menu

Successfully treating patients or clicking hyperlinked text will unlock new data files that will assist your mission. Read these for clues to solving the patient treatment puzzles.

When you think you know the solution, apply the treatment using the top 3 Hex-Shaped treatment buttons on the patient page and then click the bottom Hex button (Tick) to apply.

Be careful: you cannot brute force the puzzle solution - an incorrect answer will lead to the patient's death. 

Save Feature

The game will save if you exit to Title through the Pause Menu so you can resume where you left off. Warning: If you start a New Game it will overwrite your current file.

Known Bugs

- Two hyperlinks to data files required to solve patient 4 are not showing on the WebGL version. These data files (K-DIV, TSV) have been added to the game screenshots.

- Under certain circumstances, successful treatment dialogue can be repeated. It should not affect your the playthrough

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